The Austrian championship took place on June 14 and 15th. Victory went to the Sensas ASFC Austrian team, whom we congratulate. Helmut Malik invites us to relive the event!


Helmut Malik : " The team consists of the following people: Hubert Aigner, Sebastian Händler, Ingolf Mandl, Helmut Malik, Günter Hrabal. Last week has been the Austrian float fishing championship, which was held on the river „Große Tulln“. This river is around 4 meters deep and flows towards the Danube. What makes this river quite interesting is that the direction of the flow changes a few times during the day, depending on the ship traffic and the water level of the Danube. Because of the changing conditions a lot of rigs were set up.

We used round body floats from 0,5 to 3g and flat floats from 3 to 5 grams. We kicked off the first training day with two different Groundbait mixes, one finer mix of canal fine and Gros Gardons and one heavier mix containing Carp fine, Lake and Bremes. Both mixes contained 2 kilos of terre de somme and 3 kilos of terre de river. After the first training day it was obvious that there wasn’t a lot of small fish present but there was big bream odd carassio and carp and some tench to be caught. We fished both mixes the next day again and after the second training day we were able to formulate a plan for the matchdays. We figured out that the fish we caught on the finer mix were a lot smaller than the fish we caught on the heavier mix.

The average size of the bream on the heavier mix was around 2,5 kilos in comparison to an average size of around 700g on the finer mix. It was clear that 2 or 3 fish will be enough for good section points on the match days, so the last training day we all fished with the heavier mix. It worked out perfect for us, as all team members were able to catch between 2 and 5 big fish during the last training session. We figured out that first hour was crucial as you had most of the bites within the first 60 minutes, after that it was very important to feed ground bait with caster and also leam and joker every 3 to 5 minutes to keep some bites coming till the end of the match.


Our plan was working even better as expected and we won three out of four match days, to comfortably win the championship 17 points clear of the runner up team. The cherry on the cake was to take the individual title as well as Hubert Aigner put in a great performance over the 4 match days to win the championship individually.  


Helmut MALIK